“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
(Abraham Lincoln)

At Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School we aim to:
• Provide pupils with a comprehensive and personalised programme which offers opportunities for personal development and progression
• Provide impartial advice and guidance
• Challenge stereotypes and to consider individual rights and responsibilities
• Provide current information on the labour market, on access to work, training and further and higher education
• Use agencies and other external service providers to provide information and support especially to those with specific needs
• Provide access to work based learning
• Create effective business links with school governors and external businesses.
Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School has a careers programme in place which meets the requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks. The programme is revised annually against the benchmarks to ensure it remains on target.
Through our careers provision, students will become curious and active about their future career goals and will be prophetic as they make aspirational plans for their futures.
At Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, our careers provision ensures that all pupils make well informed decisions about their futures. They may choose to study A Levels at Sixth Form, a vocational course at College or an apprenticeship within a workplace. We run a number of dynamic and thought provoking careers events throughout the school year to support our pupils in making the right decisions that suits their individual needs.

Work based learning
All students in year 10 have the opportunity to go on work experience placements where they will experience the world of work and gain invaluable employability skills. Universities and higher apprenticeships are looking for students that have completed voluntary work within a work based environment. Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School equips our students with the skills needed to be successful and meet their potential.
Careers lead – Mrs E Buckle [email protected]
- Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
- Labour Market Information - Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP.education)
- My Learning My Future | CEC Resource Directory (careersandenterprise.co.uk)
- My Skills My Future | CEC Resource Directory (careersandenterprise.co.uk)
- Career Starter - Whole School Programme - Career Ready
- Teacher Zone - Amazing Apprenticeships
- Explore careers | National Careers Service
- Apprenticeships
- Labour Market Information - Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP.education)
- Articles Archive - icould
- Careers resources | Blueprint for all
- Create Your Future - Build Skills And Careers Confidence #CreateYourFuture - Youth Employment UK
- Careermag - Parents - Careermap
- Labour Market Information - Birmingham Education Partnership (bep.education)
- Apprenticeship resources for schools, teachers, parents (amazingapprenticeships.com)
- The Parent Perspective Podcast - Amazing Apprenticeships
- Parents & Carers - Aimhigher West Midlands (aimhigherwm.ac.uk)
- Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
- Experiences of the Workplace (BM6): Step by step guide for Employers | CEC Resource Directory (careersandenterprise.co.uk)
- Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby